
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Discount RESPeRATE Blood Pressure Lowering Device

RESPeRATE Blood Pressure Lowering Device
Introducing RESPeRATE, the interactive breathing device used by thousands of men and woman nationwide to gain control over high blood pressure. Used for just 15 minutes a few times a week, RESPeRATE delivers a significant all-day blood pressure reduction.

If you're considering Blood Pressure Device, Below are the Helpful Customer Reviews

A bona fide MIRACLE!

Like always, I was skeptical of the glowing testimonials on the RESPERATE web site, but the links to medical journals and cites to the many clinical trials in which it has been proven effective convinced me to give it a try.

I've only had the RESPERATE machine for a little over two weeks now, but I have to say that it is a bona fide MIRACLE in my life! Not only did I start seeing improvement in my elevated blood pressure after just a couple of sessions (and I believe my doctor will take me off the blood pressure meds very soon now); I also realized that I'd never felt so much at peace and never been in such a state of serenity as I found myself in after doing the RESPERATE sessions.

The dizzy spells that I had been experiencing almost every day stopped after two days of using RESPERATE, which leads me to believe I was having anxiety attacks. Whatever it was, RESPERATE made it go away.

Also, I was able to get reimbursed for the purchase price of the RESPERATE from my Health Care Spending Account. Nevertheless, if I had known what RESPERATE was going to do for me, I would have happily spent three times the money for it, whether it was eligible for HCSA money or not.

If you're considering RESPERATE, I don't think you can go wrong in making the purchase.

Excellent little device

I am 46 years old and have been on and off BP medication for several years. My kidneys make too much renin causing the BP to rise, however, I also don't handle stress very well, so stress is definitely part of the reason why my pressure gets too high. Yesterday was an extremely stressful day. When I got home from work my BP was 180/96. I sat down and used my Resperate for 15 minutes. I waited about a half hour and took my BP again and was thrilled to see it was now 113/80. I need to make a habit of using Resperate every day since the medication alone isn't cutting it. It is very obvious to me that it was because of using the machine that my BP normalized.

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