
Friday, August 6, 2010

Buy TOTO SW554-01 Washlet S300 Elongated Front Toilet Seat, Cotton White

Buying TOTO SW554-01 Washlet S300 Elongated Front Toilet Seat, Cotton White
Great Prices on TOTO SW554-01 Washlet S300 Elongated Front Toilet Seat. Buy now & Save Money Today!

* easy to install - a splitter needs to be connected to the water tank for connecting the washlet water hose, and a mounting plate for attaching the washlet to the toilet, more information regarding size and fitting can be found on Toto's website. It took me some time to install only because the threads of the plastic connector on my water tank is worn out
* air filter really works
* 2 energy saving modes for seating warming, one you can set to activate for 3/6/9 hours every day, another that's automatic based on your usage pattern, and they can be used together
* water hose uses quick disconnect fitting and the washlet just clicks onto the mounting plate, allow the entire unit to be removed quickly without any tools
* the lid and seat can also be disconnected from the unit without any tools for easier cleaning
* a water filter built into the water splitter prevents the unit from getting clogged, it can be removed and cleaned
* there're buttons for the basic functionalities on the unit itself, allowing operation without the remote if needed
* the spraying wand is a bit too far back, I need to sit further back than I used to and set the wand to the front most position
* the lid is really flimsy, definitely can't be used as a seat
* this purchase is a choice of lifetime, once you get it, there's no going back. I know I will always be getting one if I ever move again or this unit breaks down.

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